Love is not finding someone to live with, It's finding someone you
can't live without. "
" Love is
like heaven but hurts like hell."
" The time
between meeting and finally leaving is
sometimes called falling in love. "
sometimes called falling in love. "
"Love can make you do
things that you never thought possible".
" Do you ever put your
arms out and spin and spin and spin?
Well that's what love is like. Everything around you tells you
to stop before you fall, but you just keep going. "
Well that's what love is like. Everything around you tells you
to stop before you fall, but you just keep going. "
" Happiness is to love
and to be loved. "
" Women are made to be
loved, not understood. "
" Sometimes your mind
doesn't want you to be in love, but deep
down, you know you are. "
down, you know you are. "
" He HoLds mE whEn I
sTaRt To CrY
MaKeS mE sMiLe WiTh jUsT hIs EyEs
ShArEs My HoPeS, dReAmS, fEaRs
He WiPeS aWaY aLL mY tEaRs
I LoVe HiM wIth nO rEgReT
I JuSt HaVeN't FoUnD hIm YeT "
MaKeS mE sMiLe WiTh jUsT hIs EyEs
ShArEs My HoPeS, dReAmS, fEaRs
He WiPeS aWaY aLL mY tEaRs
I LoVe HiM wIth nO rEgReT
I JuSt HaVeN't FoUnD hIm YeT "
"Why is it when you love
someone so much that you can never find
the right words to tell
" Love is harsh at times,
but it is the best thing in this
world. "
world. "
"Love conquers all."
find love, you must first be willing to look for it."
" True love doesn't have a
happy ending, because true love never ends. "
"Love turns winter into
"You call it Madness, but
I call it Love"
"There are many,
many things to appreciate about a beautiful friendship -
especially when that friendship is turning to love."
especially when that friendship is turning to love."
"Love, an emotion so
strong that you would give up everything, to just feel it once, to
know that you are part of something special. To know that you can
feel what love really is, to know, to feel, to love."
"To love someone is to
understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart
and to trust one another. One important thing is to let each other
go if you can't do this."
"You may conquer with the
sword, But you are conquered by a kiss"
"If music be the food of
love, play on"
"It is never too late to
fall in love."
"Love is like an hour
glass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties."
"No man is worth your
tears, and the one who is won't make you cry."
"Where there is great
love , there are always miracles"
"Love is like a
butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes."
"Where there is love,
there is life"
"At the touch of love
everyone becomes a poet."
"Love is like a fire.
Whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn
your house down, you'll
never know"